Kurt Tittel
Prof. em. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Kurt Tittel, Emeritus Professor and former Chairman of the Department of Functional Anatomy of the University of Halle and of the Hochschule fu?r K.rperkultur (Institure of Physical Culture) in Leipzig.
Former Chairman of the Department of Sports Medicine of the Academy for continuous professional development in Berlin-Lichtenberg.
International honours
- Philip-Noel Baker Research Price of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (CIEPSS) for scientific contributions in the field of Sports-Anthropometry (1974)
- Distinguished Service Award of the United States Sports Academy for noteworthy contributions to International Sport (1984)
- Honorary Prize of the International Olympic Committee in appreciation of outstanding services in the field of Sports Medicine (1989)
- Honorary-Membership of the Hungarian Sports Medical-Association (1984)
- Honorary-Membership of the Czechoslowakian Purkinje-Association (1984)
- Gold medal of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) and appointment as FIMS Fellow (2002)